How to Build a Personal Brand Like Garyvee?
Before everything else there is a question for you to address in the beginning of this blog. Do you think your competitor holds a better brand presence than yours? You’re not getting much inquiries or prospect for your venture and you feel your brand name is not popular and therefore not getting enough prospects is a reason of this?
If your answer to any of the above mention question relates to “YES” then all you need to do is work around your branding strategy. The main problem that arises when you decide to work on your personal brand you get confused whether to work around with the agency branding or my own name. This is where even bigger players get trapped and they fail haphazardly thinking they should change their branding from agency to their own name and vice-versa.
Tip #1 on building your personal brand.
Decide yourself what kind of branding you want for? Is it for your agency/hospital/clinic or your personal name? Now, how to decide which one to pick. For an example, if you’re a weight loss trainer and you have proper certification then you can choose brand your personal name first. Once you’re popular divert your customers or followers towards your clinic or hospital whatever you own or do a business.
How you become a Personal Brand and where?
This is the most important question to address yourself before hiring any social media marketing agency. To think about it you must answer yourself where does your audiences are present, is it online media, offline media, or something else? The second thing you need to figure out is how will you reach your audience? Which is the platform you want to choose in-order to reach your audience at less expense and faster.
Again taking an example, if you’re a dentist where will your patients hangout the most? You business community of Dentists or Social Media? Of-course Social Media. Over here we are not talking about referral patients or customers because that is secondary thing. So, by now you have a clear voice, which branding you have to do and where you have to do.
Let’s Build Your Brand Via Social Media.
Well before proceeding you might have one more question as in which social media to begin with Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or TikTok?
If we’re not associated with Film making and short video making we can avoid TikTok for now as this platform is totally for entertainment as of now. If you’re someone who want to share information or want to portray educational content then you can go with Instagram. Though there is a decrease in organic reach with Instagram but as of early 2020 it is still the best platform to start slowly & gradually. You saw that Facebook is totally out of the box because organic reach on Facebook is completely dead.
Now this bring us to a next topic how fast you want to build your personal brand? There are many business that want faster progress and it is completely okay to have a similar desire. Then you have to focus on two things: Content & Paid Ads. Let’s discuss how to achieve it in the next segment.
How to Build Faster Personal Brand?
Personal branding comes with great responsibility and when you’re doing it with the help of Social Media, you have to be crazily available online to respond your followers. So, by now you decided to work with Instagram. Moving forward with this assumption, you need to understand that the modern Instagram is all about video content promotion and not image promotion. Game is more advanced, people will believe in you when they see you performing the expertise live. Because images can be modified or edited and else-wise but videos are difficult.
When you want to create a strong personal branding, you have to identify the nerves of your audience. Let’s say you’re a weight loss trainer and you want your personal branding on Instagram, create content that attracts right audience who want a free solution on Instagram. Be a motivator, instagram users wants motivation and its not they alone even your personal consulting clients need motivation. Be a practitioner, share your experience after practising what you’re telling other peoples to do. Make a point, suggest the right things to them without taking money from brands. First build your Instagram community, nurture them and then only gently sell them.
If you want this procedure to be faster then get up work harder, make video content of about 2-3 nos break them into pieces like micro format and post them on Instagram and other relevant platforms. Re-share your previous posts or IGTV content. When you do this on continuously there comes a point where you can post 20-30 piece of content everyday without a need of creating a video for a day, run ads on Instagram. This will help you to reach a larger audience and a targeted ones in less time. Obviously, results will be huge.