Will Instagram change your business promotion in 2020?
Instagram went through limelight during 2018 when many internet influencers took Instagram to share their instant story through Instagram stories. This phase is where instagram marketing became most searched keyword on the Search Engines and businesses started talking on how to leverage Instagram marketing for generating leads. Well, allow me to say, those business owners who took seriously with tips for instagram marketing in 2018 has successfully gain a position on Social Media platform which leverages them to generate at least 200 leads everyday.
Things got change with the coming years, instagram marketing is very much competitive for business to adopt organic growths. Unfortunately, business owners only want organic growth, at least 90% of them. In 2020, if you start a business and want to research about which platform could help you to emphasis brand strategy then Instagram may not be ranking #1 after Facebook, which is completely not present in terms of organic growth. So, how’s Instagram marketing for 2020? Even most important question is are there enough man hours on social media?
How much man hours do Social Media give?
According to statista.com social media users currently sits at almost 2.41 billion monthly active users. Isn’t this a great figure to trust social media for business growth in 2020? Yes do! But the most asked question on internet is how to leverage Instagram for my business in 2020 or like Is instagram still a social media platform that can bring revenues for my business? Well, that’s tricky. If you’re lucky you can get the maximum potential of Instagram for your business. Oh! It’s just a joke! All you need is right strategy to tackle users on Instagram, with that said it mean you have to learn how to attract followers through paid ads & video content that is already populated on your profile page, NOT YET? Then stop reading this blog and run to make some videos out there.
How to grow you Instagram Profile in 2020?
It’s not 2019 anymore and therefore if you are on Instagram to sell products directly then it is not your cup of coffee! Whether you’re a brand or personal, you have to create a brand around Instagram. How you do that? The answer is very simple, you just need to contribute to your community. It’s like if I want to get brands buy tickets for travel and stay to make me deliver a keynote at their event all I would do on Instagram is talk around the topics I feel confident, easy just like a cup of tea for me but not for others, most importantly I have practiced or have been implement things around the subject on my everyday life. Similarly, if you have a dental clinic and you want to promote it on Instagram to get more appointments then all you need to do this talk about oral health care through video content and post it on Instagram.
Now you would ask, how to upload videos on oral care everyday, like you want me to put same content each day? May be the content will be same but the context, place, time or person in front would be different. And I guess there is many more topics on oral healthcare. Comment below some topics that dentists should cover on their video.
Instagram Post Hack
I guess you have seen recent trend on Instagram by now where creators are uploading swipe right content which is like text content. Do you think then 20% text ratio is of no use? Well will talk about this in detail in some other blog but for now let me tell you that uploading text based content is the new thing on Instagram and it’s hitting hard on Instagram’s algorithm. See below some snaps of appropriate Instagram Swipe Feeds:
When you are upto posting such kind of content make sure the idea behind text post is to make sure when your audience pop in they can easily identify the text. All your text post should be easily read from your profile section. Also, this kind of post can be referred as infographics. Yes you got it right.
Infographics that used to be designed for seo purpose or may be for blogging to acquire backlinks can now be utilised in Social Media too. Design your social media post’s content like infographics data and utilise them in two ways.
Instagram for Business
What about business entities to grow and reach out to mass online audience, what to do? Well if you’re selling products you have variety of choices to promote yourself on Instagram. As a business owner or business management/marketing personality make sure you have to invest in marketing. “Marketing cannot be done free, if someone who is not having skills or identification as a marketing professional, giving you free marketing hack, remember it is a scam for your brand. If someone influential trying to help you by contacting to a personality who can in turn help you directly promote your brand then it is absolutely fine. Otherwise, it can trouble you. Back in 2012-2016, it was very much important to get a shoutout via mouth to mouth conversation. Same way in 2020 it is important that you have shoutout through digital platforms, be it on Youtube or Instagram. Audiences are smart enough to judge which product to buy and which not to. Thus buyers are doing their own research based on Youtube videos but if your product is not getting reviewed then what?
You have to understand buyer sentiments. Buyers are tend to purchase products when their influencers suggest them some products or they see ads of certain products on continuous basis on their timeline or feed. So, with business in 2020, you have 2 options; either go for influencer marketing on social media platforms like Instagram or invest in running ad campaigns on instagram. For running ad campaigns you have to be sure you target the right audience. Having said that means let’s say you’re selling razors then whom are you going to target? Men or Women? Let me tell you women too use razors and now it depends which audience is a perfect fit for your product. Likewise, whom you wanna target? Generally, men with age of 25-45 tend to buy body products online and therefore you can target them. Now this age group mentioned here is based on certain survey of different brands and therefore as a business entity you should also know your buyers and their online buying choice. Hope this article gives you a perception of promoting your business online with Instagram in 2020.