MsPaper Products

Ms Paper Products are one of our prime customers and long time one. We have started working with them while giving online marketing tips. As the client was not having proper idea as how SEO works, or how to do online marketing to boost sells or increase inquiries.

Once we explained them what are the minimum requirement you need to have while doing digital marketing for your business, client was on-boarded for website development.

Client was having different categories of products to sell and therefore we did a research of their competitors who are present online and offline as well. Of course, our client also did research about their competitors, however the purpose of research was quite different.

We found many businesses like them were using third-party marketing agencies like Indiamart. However, none of them were having e-commerce website where you have option of check-out. Therefore, we decided to go with an e-commerce website.

Once the website was ready, we focused on local regions to increase search visibility. Once we reached our goal we were getting regular leads to our website.

Now we are working on strategies to promote them on Social Media Platforms.

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